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15 April 2020
2020 Student Attendance – FAQs for reporting attendance during COVID-19
Guidance from ACARA in the form of Frequently Asked Questions for reporting attendance during COVID-19 can be found on the STATS Help page under Downloads. This guidance covers a variety of student situations resulting from COVID-19.
14 April 2020
2020 Student Attendance – reporting attendance during COVID-19
Guidance from ACARA to clarify student attendance in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found on the STATS Help page under Downloads. The guidance includes a flowchart for determining whether the student/school situation constitutes an absence or not because of a COVID-19 situation.
09 April 2020
Covid-19 Condition on Approval
On 9 April 2020, the Minister for Education, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, placed a condition on all non-government independent approved authorities requiring that their schools maintain an on-campus learning option for students. This is to ensure that students that are unable to learn at home have an option to physically attend school. This might include children of essential workers, vulnerable students or students that do not have a safe learning environment at home.

For more information, please read the COVID-19 Condition on Approval factsheet.

24 March 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
In response to the rapidly unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the SchoolsHUB team at Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) would like to advise that we have been giving extensive consideration to these developments and their possible impact on collections for 2020.

We are currently reviewing procedures to determine suitable alternative arrangements in the event they may be needed. We are progressing this work as fast as possible to develop general advice and support. When appropriate, this information will be communicated via email to Approved Authorities and by regular news updates on the SchoolsHUB website.

We thank you for your patience as we continue to work through the options.

13 March 2020
Important schooling dates for 2020 now available
A letter was sent this week from the Department of Education, Skills and Employment welcoming all approved authorities to the 2020 school year, including important schooling dates for 2020. The Welcome to 2020 letter and Important schooling dates for 2020 calendar is available to download from the Using SchoolsHUB Help and Support page.